Abortion Pill Reversal Concerns

Concerns About Abortion Pill Reversal

Concerns About Abortion Pill Reversal

Some women have concerns and questions related to Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) treatment.  We’ve addressed a few of those concerns here.  However, we have a much more detailed set of answers to questions on our Abortion Pill Reversal FAQ page.

Abortion Pill Reversal Concerns about Peanut Allergies

Some progesterone treatments include peanut oil. If you are allergic to peanuts or peanut oil, notify your provider before beginning Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). Progesterone may include this ingredient, so it is important that you notify your provider of any of these allergies before taking progesterone. An alternative form of progesterone may be available if you are allergic to peanut oil.

Price Concerns (How Much Will Treatment Cost?)

Treatment cost varies, depending on the progesterone used. Insurance plans may cover treatment. Women who do not have insurance or financial means to pay for treatment should discuss this with their medical provider.

In cases of financial hardship, APR will help you find ways to reduce the cost of the treatment.

Parenting and Support Concerns

You may be thinking, “Even though I regret my decision to take the abortion pill, there is no way I could keep and raise this baby alone and without support. What do I do?!”  We are here to help support pregnant women and their developing babies. Contact us, and we can connect you to the support you need to make the best decision possible for you and your baby.

If you think parenting might be an option for you, but you have concerns about money, baby supplies, insurance, or your parenting skills, let us help. Local help is available, including material resources and parenting classes and mentoring.  There is a lot of help available to support you as a parent.  Let us help!

Family, Relationship, and Housing Issues

You may be concerned about negative reactions from your parents, partner, or people you depend on.  An unplanned pregnancy is difficult for some loved ones to accept.  However, they aren’t the ones making this decision.  You are.  Also, family tends to come around later.  Don’t let their initial reaction keep you from your baby.  If you are concerned that saving your pregnancy will affect your relationship with your family, especially as it relates to your housing, let us help.

Call us at (440) 284-1010 or call the national hotline at (877) 558-0333. We will help you find the resources you need for your particular situation. At Cornerstone, we offer everything from classes to baby care products to community support.  We even offer birthing help with doula services.  Most women might need a little (or a lot) of help. And there are over 2,000 organizations like ours in the United States (and many more around the world) that help women and families with anything from baby bottles and diapers to peer and professional consultations and even housing.  You won’t be alone.  We are here to help!

Is It Too Late For Abortion Pill Reversal?

Abortion Pill Reversal Timing

Is it too late for abortion pill reversal?

If you have changed your mind after taking the abortion pill, there is a chance you can still save your pregnancy.  We provide a treatment to stop the effects of the abortion pill.  Women often have feelings of regret after taking the abortion pill, but we can help.  Contact Cornerstone Pregnancy Services for help right away or call the APR helpline at 877.558.0333 or on our website.  Also, we can help you learn everything you need to know about the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure so that all your questions are answered.

Possible Success If Taken Within 24-72 Hours Of The Abortion Pill

Timing for Abortion Pill Reversal Treatment is important. If you are seeking the abortion pill reversal, you would ideally start the treatment within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill, mifepristone (RU-486). However, there have been many successful reversals when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill.

Even if 72 hours have passed, call our hotline (877) 558-0333. We are here to help. It may not be too late.

What To Do After 72 Hours

If it has been more than 72 hours since you took the abortion pill, but you regret your decision, please call our hotline number (877) 558-0333. There is a chance that you may still be pregnant. It may not be too late to save your baby.

Cramping and Spotting During Abortion Pill Reversal

Spotting or bleeding is common during reversal treatment. Unless directed otherwise, it is important and safe to continue the progesterone even if you experience spotting or bleeding. However, if you experience heavy bleeding, faintness, severe abdominal pain, or fever, seek emergency medical attention immediately! This could be an effect of the mifepristone and would require immediate care.

It is important to have an ultrasound to confirm that your baby is in your uterus as soon as possible.

What about the other pills the abortion clinic gave me?

The second medication that the abortion clinic gives is called misoprostol or Cytotec. Its purpose is to cause the uterus to contract and expel the baby. Misoprostol/Cytotec is not needed if you want to try to reverse the chemical abortion.

How do I start the Abortion Pill Reversal process?

  • Call our hotline (877) 558-0333.
  • Our on-call Healthcare Professional will ask you some basic questions to see if a reversal is possible.
  • The Healthcare Professional will then connect you with a doctor or medical provider in your area to start treatment if that is your choice.

Do you have more questions?

We have a detailed FAQ page to answer other questions you might have about Abortion Pill Reversal treatment.

What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

abortion pill reversal treatment

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is a treatment used to reverse the effects of the chemical abortion process (medication abortion, abortion pill, medical abortion, RU-486) [1][2][3]. If you regret starting a chemical abortion or simply want more time to consider your decision, the abortion pill reversal offers a second chance to choose life. You can get help at the APR helpline at 877.558.0333 and through our website.

Abortion Pill Reversal Treatment

There are a few aspects of abortion pill reversal treatment.  First, we will do an ultrasound as soon as possible to confirm the baby’s heart rate, placement, and dating of the pregnancy. Second, the doctor or other medical provider will prescribe progesterone, given as a pill to be taken orally, vaginally, or possibly by intramuscular injection. This treatment will usually continue through the first trimester of pregnancy.

Use of Progesterone

Progesterone is a natural hormone that a woman’s body produces during pregnancy. Mifepristone (abortion pill) blocks progesterone’s actions by binding to progesterone receptors in the uterus and the placenta. Since Progesterone is the natural hormone in a woman’s body that is necessary to nurture and sustain a pregnancy [4] by giving extra progesterone, the hope is to outnumber and outcompete the mifepristone. Increasing the natural hormone helps to reverse the effects of mifepristone.[5]  It is your best chance to save your pregnancy after taking the abortion pill.

Side Effects of Progesterone

Progesterone side effects coincide with symptoms already associated with pregnancy.  Progesterone may cause sleepiness, lack of energy, lightheadedness, dizziness, gastrointestinal discomfort, and headaches. Increased fluid intake might help relieve these symptoms.  It is important that you follow all of the instructions of your APR provider carefully. If you have any questions, contact your provider.

Success Rate of APR

Initial studies of APR have shown that APR has a 64-68% success rate. Without the APR treatment, mifepristone may fail to abort the pregnancy on its own. In other words, your pregnancy may continue even without APR if you decide not to take misoprostol, the second abortion drug likely prescribed or provided to you when you took mifepristone. APR has been shown to increase the chances of allowing the pregnancy to continue.

However, the outcome of your particular reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.[6]

How to Reverse A Chemical Abortion

If you choose to reverse the effects of mifepristone and continue your pregnancy, you can call the Abortion Pill Rescue hotline at 877.558.0333 or go to the APR website to begin a live chat. The APR Healthcare Team is waiting to help.


[1] Mifeprex REMS Study Group (2017). Sixteen Years of Overregulation: Time to Unburden MifeprexNew England Journal of Medicine.

[2] Medication Abortion. Mayo Clinic Web Site. Medical Abortion Overview. Published July 7, 2018. Retrieved September 8, 2018.

[3] Medical Management of First Trimester Abortion. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetricians-Gynecologists Practice Bulletin. Number 143. March 2014.

[4] Progesterone Treatment to Help Prevent Premature Birth. March of Dimes Web Site. Progesterone Treatment to Help Prevent Premature Birth. Published 2018. Retrieved September 8, 2018.

[5] Hormones in Pregnancy. Niger Med J. 2012 Oct;53(4):179-83. doi: 10.4103/0300-1652.107549.

[6]Delgado, G, M.D., Condly, S. Ph.D., Davenport, M, M.D., M.S.,Tinnakornsrisuphap, T Ph.D., Mack, J., Ph.D., NP, RN,  Khauv, V., B.S., and Zhou, P. A Case Series Detailing the Successful Reversal of the Effects of Mifepristone Using Progesterone. Issues in Law & Medicine, Volume 33, Number 1, 2018.

Considering Abortion Pill Reversal?

Considering Abortion Pill Reversal?

considering abortion pill reversal

There is a lot of misinformation floating around the internet about Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).  Recently, the treatment has been the subject of many debates.  As is often the case with treatments that are related to political hot topics, the rhetoric can get in the way of the plain facts.

Here are a few pieces of information to help you as you are making your decision:

  1. APR is as safe as any other pregnancy-related treatment.  While some clinics tell you that you “have” to complete the abortion, the reality is that there is no increased risk of discontinuing the abortion pill treatment.  (See our FAQ page for more information)
  2. Abortion pill reversal gives you more time to think. The truth is that the best decisions are made when you are not in crisis.  If you took the abortion pill and regretted it or are simply unsure of your decision, you are not alone.  Abortion pill reversal gives you time to rethink your decision.  More time to think isn’t a bad thing, no matter what you decide to do.
  3. APR works most of the time.  Timing is a critical factor, but abortion pill reversal works 64-68% of the time.  The sooner you get the treatment, the better your chances of saving the pregnancy.
  4. There is no evidence linking abortion pill reversal to birth defects. Some mothers are concerned that if they don’t finish the abortion pill treatment, their babies will be born with birth defects.  However, there is no need to be concerned! The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), in its Practice Bulletin Number 143, March 2014, states that: “No evidence exists to date of a teratogenic effect of mifepristone.” In other words, it does not appear that mifepristone, RU-486, causes birth defects.  Additionally, Progesterone has been safely used in pregnancy for over 50 years. Initial studies have found that the birth defect rate in babies born after the APR is less than or equal to the rate in the general population. Neither Mifepristone nor progesterone is associated with birth defects.

We’ve provided a detailed list of facts on our Frequently Asked Questions page.  You can access that page for a more detailed set of medical questions.

How To Get Treatment:

For now, if you have changed your mind after taking the abortion pill, there is a chance you can still save your pregnancy.  We provide a treatment to stop the effects of the abortion pill.  Women often have feelings of regret after taking the abortion pill, but we can help.  Contact Cornerstone Pregnancy Services for help right away or call the APR helpline 877.558.0333 and website.  Also, we can help you learn everything you need to know about the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure so that all your questions are answered.