Pro-Life Pregnancy Curriculum

What Is Making Life Disciples?

Making Life Disciples is a pro-life discipleship curriculum from CareNet. This training will turn your church into a beacon of hope for the women and men in your church & community who need guidance through difficult pregnancy decisions. Specifically, this 6-session curriculum will equip your church to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men considering abortion. Included in the curriculum is the seventh session for leaders, a CD-Rom with exercises, handouts, and additional resources, and a video trailer that can be used to engage the church, enlist Life Disciples or publicize your church’s outreach to women and men facing difficult pregnancy decisions.  The training includes resources for leading the course and engaging volunteers as well as resources for men and women at risk of abortion.  

Cornerstone Provides this Training to Churches in Lorain County!  

The course includes information about the sanctity of human life, the history of abortion in America, and the consequences we are experiencing.  Then, the course goes into how to evangelize abortion-minded parents, how to minister to them in crisis, and how to communicate compassion while educating parents about the effects of abortion and the reality of the baby growing in the mother’s womb.  Beyond all this, the curriculum prepares people in your church to talk to young parents about adoption and parenting. Additionally, you can refer at-risk parents to schedule an appointment with us.

Why Is This Important For Churches?

Sadly, 40% of women who abort their babies say they were attending church regularly at the team.  52% of abortions are obtained by women claiming to be Christians.  Churches are a front-line for abortion prevention.  Equipping your church members with a pro-life discipleship curriculum maximizes the response and makes life-affirming values visible in your church.  As word gets out that there is grace, support, and encouragement for parents to choose life, more parents are likely to choose life.

How Can We Get Started With Pro-Life Discipleship?

Simply Contact Us To Request Materials And Learn More!