100% Free & Confidential
Our culture does not provide clear direction for men when it comes to our involvement in pregnancy. In fact, most of us don’t know exactly how to talk about it with her, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted. Yet, there are unclear responsibilities and expectations placed on us while we figure it out.
That’s why it helps to connect with other men who have walked through this before and know how to help.
Preparing You for Fatherhood
We provide experience and resources for men in the midst of expected and unexpected pregnancies, so you can thrive. Maybe you had a great father and want to be just like him. Maybe you didn’t have the best experience with your dad, and you need help knowing how to be a father. In either case, we can help you become a father who leaves a legacy that makes you proud.
First, our Men’s Program Coordinator is here to meet with you from the moment you find out she is pregnant. He will talk with you about how to step up as a husband and father to lead, provide for, and protect your girl and the baby. Maybe you feel inadequate, because you don’t know if you’re ready. That’s ok. Every father feels that, so our Men’s Program Coordinator is here to walk you through your feelings and prepare you to work with your girl to plan for the future. We even provide help putting together a resume and finding a job. Then, we give you support for the practical stuff. Need to know how to change a diaper or baby proof a house? We’ve got you covered with our Boot Camp For New Dads course. Need to just drop in and talk with an experienced dad? We’ve got you covered.